2012-03-13 - Kensington Loop


~3 miles @ ~8.5 min/mi

Robin is enjoying a gift certificate at the Suburban Trading Post in Kensington, a semi-fancy café, so I take advantage of the opportunity to run a loop this warm afternoon. Starting near the Post Office it's a downhill blast along the Kensington Parkway (~8.5 min/mi pace) and then Beach Dr to Stoneybrook Dr (~8.2 min/mi). Mile 3 includes the climb up the Mormon Temple Hill and then the mostly-flat trek along Kent St etc. back to the start (~8.7 min/mi), 26:26 for the ~5k circuit, back just in time to advise Robin on what carry-out to order for the rest of the family. GPS trackfile shows the route.

^z - 2012-03-24